Ankle fractures

Fractures around the ankle are extremely common. Some may involve only the avulsion of small fragments of bone while others may cause significant and lasting damage to damage to the bones or joint surfaces of the ankle.

It can be very difficult to distinguish minor fractures from ankle sprains. Imaging such as x-rays or MRI scans and assessment by an Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Specialist may be needed. Many minor injuries will settle after a few days of rest, ice and elevation. Neglected injuries, however, can cause long term pain and stiffness, and injuries not responding to routine measures may require a specially tailored rehabilitation regime, or surgery to repair the damage to give the best chance of a return to normal activity.

More severe ankle injuries, such as those accompanied by extensive bruising or swelling or any degree of deformity, require urgent medical attention. In the first instance this may be provided by a GP or in an Accident and Emergency Department but to plan optimal treatment an opinion from an Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Specialist may well be required.

At the Foot and Ankle Centre we have the clinical expertise and state of the art imaging facilities to provide prompt and accurate diagnosis and treatment of the full range of fractures of the foot and ankle.

Urgent cases can usually be offered an appointment within twenty-four hours.